You want your next income month, your dream partnership, your big idea to come into fruition...
But the way you've been trying to get there is relying on everyone else's approval, your 3 best friends' opinions, and outside validation.
The key to all of this? Is your ability to trust yourself.
If you're currently:
Seeking opinions from multiple people before making a decision? (your best friend says go for it but you have to call two other people to make sure it's the right move)
Believing that others always know better than you? (trusting someone who's making more money than you rather than you're own knowing)
Relying on external validation before taking action? (feeling frozen in place until you get validation you're on the right path)
Doubting your decisions and lacking peace about your choices? (even when you make a decision, you spin and spin in fear that it was the wrong choice)
You are undoubtedly getting in your own way.

Which is frustrating when you KNOW you’re meant for big things
Inside Embodied Self Trust, you will move from needing outside validation to unshakeable self trust.
How do I know? I used to be that person.
I was constantly seeking validation and feedback, which kept me disconnected from my own knowing. This pattern affected various aspects of my life, from finances, to my offerings, to my work with clients and to my relationships.
A Transformative Shift
Over the past few years, I shifted from seeking external validation to nurturing a relationship with myself. I began to trust my inner guidance and developed a deeper connection with my own voice inside.
And the result?
- A million dollar coaching brand that helps thousands of people every year
- A thriving and safe marriage
- Intimate friendships and community I can rely on
- Releasing original music and having it go viral!

Because the truth is...
You have an inner guidance system, a connection to Spirit (I know you feel this) that can serve as your North Star. Yet, you have spent years suppressing this voice.

In Embodied Selt Trust
you’ll discover how to tap into your inner resources and guidance system so that you can take out the waiting period and experience bigger results, faster.

You’ll Learn
to listen to your intuition and apply its insights to your life effectively so that you don't doubt that your dreams are made for you.
You'll walk away
knowing how to find your truth inside. You'll strip away self doubt and move into full, embodied self trust.

Just in case you're unsure...
here's some more opinions:
My prayer for you in this workshop
I pray for your healing
I pray you meet yourself with kindness and compassion
I pray that you bring your courageous heart, while also listening to and honoring your timing
I pray you feel safe and supported
I pray this process is fun!
I pray that I can be of service to your wholeness
I can’t wait to hold you