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For just $293 today, join me inside my live signature program starting October 18th.

I'm so glad
you're here.
Ex: The loudest or boldest person in the room
When the truth is, confidence is expressed differently in everyone. It’s a unique and deeply personal relationship. Maybe for you confidence is more subtle, grounded…sure of yourself.
Confidence isn’t one thing you need to be, do, or have.
It’s how you nurture yourself internally, that then shows up externally.
It’s how you express your creativity, your passions, your essence.
It’s how you embrace all your different flavors, unapologetically and with ownership
In order for confidence to exude out of you externally, you need to cultivate and develop the relationship to yourself internally.
This is how the people in your life start to notice and say, “somethings different about you.”
This is the difference between “fake it till you make it” and truly Embodying Confidence.

"I feel genuinely confident in my expansion, my abilities, my essence, my potential, my learning curve consciousness, and my growing community."
I wanted to teach you that confidence isn’t about anything external.
Confidence is an energetic state you nurture, cultivate, and choose over and over again.
It’s about how you meet yourself.
This program is about returning to the Remembering of
who you really are.
Of the knowing you were born with.
Of your true essence.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to be in your biggest bloom?

Expressing yourself freely
Moving towards your desires with conviction
Feeling grounded in any situation you walk into
Trusting your intuition and decision-making
Feeling a sense of belonging with others
Putting yourself out there for new opportunities
Seeing yourself and your unique gifts clearly
Taking ownership of who you are and the work you put out into the world
Not needing approval from others
Connecting with your needs and feeling safe in asking for support from your trusted others
What it might feel like to feel safe in being seen?
To allow yourself to be all of You.
Might you let yourself be in a deeper havingness in this life?
Might you give yourself the permission to stand tall in your full height?
Who is the most confident You?
How might they move, walk, speak and be?

"Stevie guides you through finding your unique essence, uncovering and releasing outdated beliefs that are holding you back, how to work with comparing yourself to others, building trust within yourself, having your own back and how to build a deeply loving and nourishing community"
This program will invite you into that embodiment.
You’ll learn how to hold yourself when you’re feeling small, how to ask for support when you need it, and how to come back into your power
When we meet ourselves in the shadow, the light becomes that much brighter
Embodied Confidence is about saying No to the Old Story, and taking a stand for your New Story…which is The Truth.
I’m going to teach you how to be unwavering in your belief in yourself
This doesn’t mean you’ll never have doubt…but rather you’ll learn to feel through your feelings and come back stronger on the other side

"I am truly permanently changed from what I learned with you. I finally felt into my value, felt into my comfort with shining big, and felt the deep safety of knowing that I don't need to be the one to turn on myself when I feel small."

Embodied Confidence
True, Authentic Confidence from the inside out
The 8 Week Program

"Life feels so much richer internally and externally and I have expanded my container to receive and guide my children and loved ones with so much more love, understanding and compassion."

Begins October 17th
$880 Pay In Full
✓ Complete access to the full 8 week Embodied Confidence program; Teaching modules, embodiment practices, and access to past cohort's q+a cals
✓ 8 weekly live 60 minute coaching calls to further integrate the curriculum. Thursdays @4pm pst; replays always available
✓ Access to a private Facebook group that welcomes you to share your wins, post questions and ask for the support you really need. I'm personally inside this group every single day!!
✓ Lifetime access to all material within the program
I pray this program supports you
into your fullest expression and I’m honored to have you here
Cheers to your confidence
Begins October 17th
OR 3 Payments
of $293
✓ Complete access to the full 8 week Embodied Confidence program; Teaching modules, embodiment practices, and access to past cohort's q+a cals
✓ 8 weekly live 60 minute coaching calls to further integrate the curriculum. Thursdays @4pm pst; replays always available
✓ Access to a private Facebook group that welcomes you to share your wins, post questions and ask for the support you really need. I'm personally inside this group every single day!!
✓ Lifetime access to all material within the program

"EC taught me how to connect with my authentic self (my essence), tune in to my body and create a sense of safety and trust within myself, and release old stories that have been holding me back so that I can begin to show up and express myself more freely and authentically."
reviews &
fb community
What is included in this program?My 1:1 coaching program includes four 50-60 minute sessions per month, unlimited email access, take home exercises and homework, and if you need extra support during the week I offer live chatting communication through the Vox app.
I want to talk to you before pulling the trigger. How do I do that?I'd love to chat! You can schedule a free consultation call through the "Free Consultation" link above : )
Is there an option for a payment plan?YES! I offer monthly payment plans over the 6 months.
What if I don't want to commit to 6 months? Do you offer anything shorter?Yes! I offer one off 60 minute Rapid Breakthrough sessions in which we choose one area of your life that you need support in and do a deep dive into what's holding you back from showing up as your highest self. You can click the "I'm In" bottom to book a breakthrough session.
Any further questions please email Stevie at (notice no I in Wright)