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Image by Romina Farías


I’m so happy you’ve landed here, welcome!


My intention for the following words is to give you clarity into what The Embodied Woman is and if it’s a good fit for you.

2021 was a year of slowing down,

connecting with my body and getting into a deeper relationship with my inner landscape. I had been seeing my somatic healer for a long while and was shocked at how much trauma my body was holding onto. Deeper layers of me were being touched for the first time. I was noticing the subtle (and not so subtle) shifts that were happening in my life because of the work I was doing. My relationship was filled with more communication and intimacy, I felt safe to share my truth and ask for my needs in my friendships, the work I was doing with clients was richer, and I was making more money then ever before.

I was so inspired

by what was happening and I wanted to create a container in which I could bring all of my knowledge, wisdom, tools, and practices I had learned on my healing journey thus far. The Embodied Woman was born.

Image by Liana Mikah

I felt
the power
of what can
happen when
you live from
your body

rather than your head and I wanted to hold other women in doing the same type of work.

The Embodied
Woman is my
4 month group

for women who are craving a container that fosters intimacy, connection, and sustainable transformation through the means of somatic embodiment.


I believe

trauma, limiting beliefs, old wounds and stories live in the body. They live in the tissue! Somatic work allows us to work with the nervous system and supports us to self-regulate.

Image by Troy wade

This program will support you in

working with your triggers productively…meaning, you’ll not only understand what’s coming up but also how to give your inner child what she needs. Instead of operating from defense mechanisms, you’ll have a process to work with the feelings and needs that live underneath the defenses. Huzzah!


Trauma becomes trauma when

a feeling gets stuck in our body because our witness turned off. As young ones we didn’t have the know how or the support to feel these big feelings through, so the feeling gets lodged as trauma, and then therefore...limiting beliefs.

The Embodied Woman will support you in

turning your witness on and feeling through the energy so that it can resolve.

Image by Jessica Felicio

This might feel scary for you.

I really get that. I know that feeling your emotions might feel like opening a can of worms. What’s wonderful of somatic work is that when you feel a feeling fully…it only lasts 90 seconds!! How cool is that?


I can honestly say that The Embodied Woman program changed my life! I joined TEW after many years of following Stevie and witnessing her own transformations, and had this deep down knowing and nudge that the next step in becoming more “me” was to join this program. 


I can truly say that the program ended up delivering exactly what I needed and so, so much more. In the program, I was able to finally listen to myself and my inner-knowing, which was a big win for me, as in the past I felt like I couldn’t make a decision without asking 5 of my closest friends, my partner, my mom, etc. I was able to finally learn how to listen to my own voice, because the program taught me how to move out of my head and into my body…which has truly been the missing piece I’ve been searching for all these years.


I also have to share that Stevie has the incredible ability of creating a safe space where you can share without judgement and feel completely heard and seen. I was able to overcome a lot of inner wounding around being seen, being accepted, setting boundaries, listening to my gut, connecting with my body, and FEELING. I didn’t realize how in almost every life experience I was trapped in my head, and being able to feel things in my body again has been a truly remarkable gift.


Another thing I am so grateful for is the relationship I’ve been able to create with my “little Stephanie”. In the past I always felt so disconnected with my inner child, and knew that so much of my core wounding came from that part of me…but I was too scared to go knocking. With the support inside TEW, I’ve been able to open up a clear, supportive, deeply loving line of communication with little Stephanie that makes me cry just thinking about it. To have access to ALL parts of me is exactly what I wanted, and with Stevie’s support, I’ve learned how to unconditionally welcome and love all of my parts. 


If you’re feeling a call to truly come home to yourself again, this is the program for you. I cannot say enough times how life changing this program and Stevie’s support have been for me. I am forever grateful 💛


- Stephanie Long

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Let’s take a look at what’s in store:

  • Foundation Fundamentals:

    • In this first module you’ll learn how to turn on your witness and the key elements needed for transformation. These elements will be used throughout the entire program

  • Inner Child

    • We’ll open a safe a powerful dialogue with your inner little you. Learn what helps her to feel grounded, safe, welcomed, and seen. Get clear on what her needs are and how to meet them

  • Shame Liberation

    • Free yourself from the inner critic, self judgement, and dualistic thinking. Learn practices to support you in coming out of shame and into your body.

  • Feminine Embodiment

    • An exploration into the essential essence of feminine energy. You’ll learn to connect with your pleasure body, where some of your stories and patterns around the feminine come from, and how to bring your fullest expression to your life


  • Healing your voice and being seen

    • Cultivate a sense of safety and power in being seen. Create a new relationship with your voice, connect to how you want to be seen in the world, and get corrective mirroring that allows you to see yourself clearly.

  • Quantum Leaping

    • My favorite module : ) Ground into the truth of who you really are and drop into your subconscious. You’ll learn how to ascend into the 5th dimension where all possibilities exist. Then attract and magnetize from this place

  • Create Your Occurring World

    • One of my absolute favorite embodiment practices. Through what lens do you see the world? Scarcity? Lack? Fear? Worry? How does that feel in your body? And what lens would you like to see through instead? This practice will help teach your body viscerally what your dream reality feels like

  • Own Your Queendom

    • Connect with the Queen that you are. What are the elements of your True Queen? How does she show up? What’s different about how she show’s up then the way you’re showing up currently? During this last module we’ll create a Vision for what you want to create for 2023

Image by Rodion Kutsaev
We begin February 23rd and will meet every Thursday from 3:30-5:00pm pst

Through weekly zoom meetings

The curriculum is 16 weeks and will cover 8 modules

The details

  • The first and 3rd meetings of each month will be used for teaching the content, practicing the embodiment tools, live coaching and homework assignments

  • The 2nd and 4th meetings will be for deeper integration, full breathwork sessions, small group breakout exercises and more support coaching

  • Bi-weekly homework assignments to utilize the tools and go deeper into self-reflection

  • All members will have access to two additional weekly smaller support pod calls for deeper integration and embodiment 

  • All members will be paired with a practice partner to touch base with each week, practice the tools and exercises, and get support for what’s coming up in between meetings

  • All members will have access to a private group Slack channel that Stevie will engage in twice a week to answer questions, send encouraging messages, and provide support

Image by Gabriela Fechet

The cost



Just in case you're unsure...
here's some more opinions:


The Embodied Woman was like devouring an enchanting seven layer cake—tasting every bite with curiosity and delight—feeling richly nourished and satisfied, week after week.

I felt expanded in my own presence and confidence as I allowed myself to show up fully in the experience Stevie had created. My personal embodiment practice elevated as I increased my ability to release and receive—untethering myself from what was ready to leave.

As the container developed, I found it exceedingly easy to trust Stevie’s guidance and toolbox of processes. The community aspect was everything, we moved mountains together. I know I have several friends—for eternity—from this experience.

TEW was abundant in depth, play and purpose. There was a power that can only be invited in by a facilitator who has done their own work and explored past their own edges. Thank you for doing your work, Stevie.

TEW will absolutely propel you into your own portal of possibility if you let it.

- Sara Moon

  • What is included in this program?
    My 1:1 coaching program includes four 50-60 minute sessions per month, unlimited email access, take home exercises and homework, and if you need extra support during the week I offer live chatting communication through the Vox app.
  • I want to talk to you before pulling the trigger. How do I do that?
    I'd love to chat! You can schedule a free consultation call through the "Free Consultation" link above : )
  • Is there an option for a payment plan?
    YES! I offer monthly payment plans over the 6 months.
  • What if I don't want to commit to 6 months? Do you offer anything shorter?
    Yes! I offer one off 60 minute Rapid Breakthrough sessions in which we choose one area of your life that you need support in and do a deep dive into what's holding you back from showing up as your highest self. You can click the "I'm In" bottom to book a breakthrough session.

My prayer for you in this program

I pray for your healing

I pray you meet yourself with kindness and compassion

I pray that you bring your courageous heart, while also listening to and honoring your timing

I pray you feel safe and supported

I pray this process is fun!

I pray that I can be of service to your wholeness


I can’t wait to hold you



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