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1:1 Coaching
Are you ready?

To feel good enough? To exude confidence? To trust yourself? To show up, fully in your power and stop playing small? To create a life you love?


A profound
level of
& potency

This mentorship is all about relationships. ​


>>  We focus on the relationship with you and yourself


>>  The relationship between you and I that we build together


>>  The relationship between you and your world

Let's Begin

We dive deep into your current belief systems and reprogram them to support you in your fullest expression.


We work in
the symbolic

Instead of focusing on the concrete problems and changing them, we go far beneath the surface and work from the inside out. Your new world will reflect your internal world, and together we can create these life changing shifts. We also work somatically, meaning...with the body. I'll support you in clearing the stagnant energy and emotion that is trapped at limitation, unworthiness and lack. We'll dissolve the old patterns that keep you feeling small.

The microcosm is the macrocosm

We are going to swim in your unconscious, exploring all of the parts of your Self and the story which you currently hold and continue to play out. Once we look underneath the hood and have a clear sense of what's going on, we can rewrite the story, which will then bleed into every other part of your world. This is an intimate journey we approach with curiosity, and love. I will provide a safe container for us to explore the depths of your being.

Stevie Wright

My promise to you

I promise to be present with you. I promise to fully accept you as and where you are, while holding the intention of where we’re headed together. I promise to give you a loving container you can lean into.


3, 6 OR 12 MONTHS







I will tenderly hold you, firmly take a stand for you & invite you & guide you into your new story.

Together, we can create a new world where you feel safe, seen and love-filled in all that you are and your relationships with your Self, others and the world.


I gently yet powerfully guide you to become in alignment with who you really are

The cost

  • 3, 6 or 12 month packages (12, 24 or 52 sessions)

  • $2,500/mo if bi-weekly

  • $5,000/mo if weekly

  • BYOP Option (Build Your Own Package)

    • One zoom call with me is $750 and one week of Voxer is $500​

    • You mix and match how much support you want and build your own package

    • Ex: Two calls and one week of voxer per month = $2,000; Two calls and no Voxer = $1,500 and so on

    • 12 session minimum

Image by Liana Mikah

A note on investing in yourself...

In the last couple years I've invested upwards of $300,000 in my healing, training programs, workshops, retreats, intensives, high level coaching, therapy, and other forms of transformational modalities. All in the pursuit of preparing myself to do this work. There is nothing I find more important then investing in my own expansion personally and professionally. I do this not only to be the best coach I can be, but also because I believe investing in myself is a beautiful act of self love.


The value that is given in this program is priceless. I can confidently say that the energetic exchange that happens in this container will drastically shift your life in miraculous ways. 


I truly believe that if this program is for you, you can feel it in your body. You're hearing the call. If that's the case you can trust your Universe and that you will always be supported in your expansion and healing.


"When I first was led by Stevie within a group setting (Embodied Woman), I had my first somatic breakthrough around feeling safe with men. A matter of weeks later, my partner of over 7 years at the time (now my fiancée!) met me in such a safe masculine way. It was something I had been wanting for years and only after my embodiment shifted, so did my relationship. Moving into the following year, I committed to a year-long private container with Stevie. 

I wanted to relinquish my lifelong beliefs around not being seen. This belief was literally manifesting circumstances where people would see right through me, not hear me, or bump into me. I created a world where I made myself invisible. I also wanted to work through my frustration with LIFE as a whole, which was making me spiral in victim energy. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked, how much I gave, or how much I invested to work with the BEST mentors, my business “wouldn’t grow”. In other areas of my life, it caused me to always feel left behind or always coming up short of the full manifestation. I went through life feeling like I was pushing hard against a wall that would never move.

Fast forward a year after working with Stevie: I’m entering 2024 with peace in my heart and love in my body. I feel so supported by God and have a knowing that I don’t need to push anymore - which is the most liberating feeling that I never thought I’d rest in. During this past year, I have had impactful experiences where I noticed that I no longer operate with the “I’m not seen” wound (where otherwise I would DEFINITELY spiral in that belief).  I have been invited into rooms with celebrity-level professionals and creatives. I feel so seen for my gifts. I speak up - and I know it’s because I have allowed myself to take shape as someone who IS and CAN BE seen. I have been invited to speak, to coach, to lead rooms and it’s priceless to feel the security in my body even as I expand.

Stevie is a soft, safe, and oh-so-deep place to land. She is the one person that has allowed me to expose parts of myself that had been tucked away, but were incredibly necessary to evolve into the woman of my dreams. While there’s more on the horizon, my internal state is one that no longer believes struggle and strife is required to get to the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow. I love you Stevie. Thank you for being the clearest mirror. Can’t wait for us to work together again!! And if you’re on the fence - that means there’s something pulling you in. Trust it. You might *think* you know what you want, but the PERSON you become on the other side of this support is so much better. She's got you. Let yourself land."


- Daisy Lopez

Marketing Strategist and Vocal Activator 

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